
Upgrading HAProxy On Ubuntu

Overview Following my earlier post using Vbernat’s PPA to install the latest Haproxy on Ubuntu, there have been several minor versions since the original post. The steps below will show you how to upgrade to any version offered by Vbernat’s … Continue reading



4 Android Phones In 4 Months

Overview Over the last few months, I’ve had issues with the Pixel 2 line of phones which has led to a combination of replacement and changing devices back and forth all on Android devices. It is a true test of … Continue reading



Everyday Carry – Work 2018

Overview This details the Core layer of my EDC as per the model defined in my previous post. This builds on top of the core layer but I have not integrated the work carry with the extended layer. Work Carry … Continue reading



Off-Site Backup Part 3 – Tools

Overview The second part to off site backup goes into the tools. For the concept and background to this please see  and security here. Backup Program I use SyncBack Pro to handle the file copy and triggering the file copy. … Continue reading



Android Tasker: Empty Downloaded Files Everyday

Overview A profile that runs everyday (for me at 4am) that clears or any downloaded files in the Download folder. This ensures that files that are needed are moved / filed in good time and anything else is removed. Points … Continue reading



Everyday Carry – Extended 2017

Overview This details the Core layer of my EDC as per the model defined in my previous post. This builds on top of the core layer designed to last up to a day away from home. For example a day … Continue reading



Danny’s Amazon (UK) Seller Blacklist

Amazon only allows people to rate the product but not the seller so I thought I’d share my list of sellers who I have had a bad experience with here. I’ll aim to maintain the list and if anyone has … Continue reading



Off-Site Backup Part 2 – Security

Overview The second part to off site backup goes into the tools. For the concept and background to this please see  Physical First consideration was security. You have to remember the physical and logical security required. For starters the place … Continue reading