
Boot From Grub

Overview When you get the grub command prompt: grub > It means something went wrong with the grub boot leader whether it was not installed properly or it cannot find your hard drive to boot into the OS. From this … Continue reading



Time Tracking With Toggl

Overview First step of continuous improvement (or just improvement in general) is monitoring and what better way to do this than to track time. Time is relevant to everything and a good way to see where it goes. When someone … Continue reading



Manually Setting Up Webserver Time Trial

Overview In this day and age, setting up a server is a non event with cloud computing. I am currently behind in setting things up manually and scripts rather than using a tool. I have dabbled in Vagrant and Chef. … Continue reading



HAProxy Redirect Unknown Subdomains

Overview It’s possible to redirect non configured sub domains to a different error message rather than a default or error 503 which is a server side error. Edit /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg and add the following to the default frontend: default_backend no-match Then … Continue reading



Ubuntu to Alpine Docker Images

I did a quick test and switched the base OS in a docker image which I use for backing up MySQL database and the size difference is amazing! Going from Ubuntu 18:04 to Alpine latest (version) means the combined OS … Continue reading



Android To iOS Software

Overview I switched from Android to iOS and listed what I feel are comparable apps between the 2 with any notes about them. I am predominantly Android so there will be bias towards that platform. Tasker – Workflow Tasker is … Continue reading



Securing HAProxy Headers

Overview https://securityheaders.io will give a score of how well placed the HTTP headers are on a site ranging from A+ to F (not sure what the R rating is for). Headers are a powerful meta (invisible to the naked eye) … Continue reading



Cannot load from mysql.proc. The table is probably corrupted

I was trying to update accounts in MySQL and got the following error message: Cannot load from mysql.proc. The table is probably corrupted A little bit scary if my data was corrupted. Turns out there is an upgrade command which … Continue reading