
Replaced IFTTT With n8n.io

Overview I was lucky to be on the IFTTT Legacy price plan where I could set the price of what I wanted to pay per month. I believe it started from $1.99 so that was what I chose. As time … Continue reading



Home Assistant Continuous Integration Workflow 2024

Overview A minor tweak to the Home Assistant CI/CD pipeline worth mentioning. The deployment process now replaces public call to a webhook to a VPN based solution. This comes in the form of Tailscale who also provide an example github … Continue reading



Home Assistant Continuous Integration Workflow 2023

Overview Previously, I was using TravisCI to perform checks on any changes to Home Assistant files. Since then, TravisCI has introduced caps and pricing plans and on the free tier I ran out of credits very quickly which broke the … Continue reading



Time Tracking With NFC Tags On Android

Overview NFC tags are relatively cheap solution to start timers (or any other tasks in Tasker) where GPS has an accuracy up to 50 metres. An NFC tag is down to the centimetres. NFC is less of a power draw … Continue reading



Time Tracking With Toggl

Overview First step of continuous improvement (or just improvement in general) is monitoring and what better way to do this than to track time. Time is relevant to everything and a good way to see where it goes. When someone … Continue reading



Off-Site Backup Part 3 – Tools

Overview The second part to off site backup goes into the tools. For the concept and background to this please see  and security here. Backup Program I use SyncBack Pro to handle the file copy and triggering the file copy. … Continue reading



Android Tasker: Empty Downloaded Files Everyday

Overview A profile that runs everyday (for me at 4am) that clears or any downloaded files in the Download folder. This ensures that files that are needed are moved / filed in good time and anything else is removed. Points … Continue reading



Off-Site Backup Part 2 – Security

Overview The second part to off site backup goes into the tools. For the concept and background to this please see  Physical First consideration was security. You have to remember the physical and logical security required. For starters the place … Continue reading