
WordPress 2.3 Release Date

WordPress has said they will release version 2.3 of their popular blogging software on 24th September 2007. I hope the upgrade will be painless as this is the date I start University.



WordPress 2.2.1 – 2.2.2

I have upgraded from version 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 of WordPress which contained some security fixes. This was a small update and was complete in minutes.



A Post

I thought I’d post something up since it’s been a while. I have got my MacBook Pro and its so good. Although I am having problems connecting to Dlink router but it works fine in Windows. I am still having … Continue reading



Fedora Core To Ubuntu

The transition from Fedora to Ubuntu server has been almost complete. I have already seen speed improvements and other advantages. I am currently having problems setting up virtual hosts and I still hjave to move the server back.



Website Down time

I am taking the server offline and putting Ubuntu server on the server. This process will take should take about day to complete everything but knowing my luck there will problems. Wish me luck and shall see you on the … Continue reading



WordPress 2.2.1 Upgrade Again (Update)

I have found the problem with my theme and it was because there was no if statement to check if the calendar on the sidebar was enabled. Of course it was disabled for the upgrade. Everything should be back to … Continue reading



WordPress 2.2.1 Upgrade Again

I have upgraded the WordPress for this(my) blog and due to the theme incompatiblity, I have changed it to the the default theme. I will try and get my old theme back up



WordPress 2.2.1 Theme Breaker

I had problems with the latest WordPress engine and therefore rolled it back to the previous version. There seemed to be a problem with the theming on the new version and due to lack of time, I will have to … Continue reading