
Install FreePBX On Raspberry Pi

Overview The great thing about the Raspberry Pi is it’s ability to change it’s OS with a swap of an SD card. This allows the Pi to change functions and testing almost as easily as spinning up a Virtual Machine … Continue reading



Migrating Mozilla Thunderbird Email To Gmail

Overview Once the news came out that Thunderbird was no longer going to be actively developed, I knew it was time to switch. Whilst the program will be maintained it will only be a matter of time before it falls … Continue reading



Apache Error: Invalid method in request /x16/x03/x01

The error relates to the SSL certificates defined in one of the site configuration. In my case the certificates were missing from the server so the error appear on the webpage when any users tried to access the page.



FreePBX 2.9/2.10 On Ubuntu 12.04

Overview Here’s an updated guide for installing FreePBX on Ubuntu 12.04. I found a different guide to installing FreePBX against the 12.04 LTS with some minor tweaks. I have opted for installing 2.9.x of FreePBX because the changes in 2.10 … Continue reading



Apache 2 Error “(98)Address already in use”

Overview I performed a reboot of my server running Apache 2 with SSL and found the sites were not loading when it came back up. Once the server was backup I assumed Apache had already started but none of the … Continue reading



Recover MySQL Data From Files

Overview The best way to backup and restore from MySQL is using Workbench or mysqldump however this may not be possible if the system is trashed but have HDD data in tact. As a last resort the files can be … Continue reading



FreePBX / Asterisk Failed to authenticate device

Overview After updating FreePBX from to the inbound calls were not routing to my ringgroup / extensions. The calls were coming from Sipura 3102 and no settings were changed other than upgrading the framework. Investigation I Tailed the … Continue reading



Decrypting Minecraft Password

If you want to retrieve a forgotten password in Minecraft you can use some simple Java to decrypt the “lastlogin” file if the username and password from the last session was saved. I do not condone the act of stealing … Continue reading