
Install Latest Maven On Ubuntu 14.04

Overview It’s well known that Ubuntu ships and keeps the same main branch of software that was shipped with the version on Ubuntu at the time. A good example is Ubuntu 14.04 has HAProxy 1.4 even though 1.5 came out … Continue reading



Install Latest Ruby On Ubuntu

Go to https://gorails.com/ and go to the setup section. The site has step by step to install a Ruby environment.



Install Sonar 3.5.1 With MySQL On Tomcat 7 Running Ubuntu 13.04

Overview This post assumes MySQL is already installed. Create an empty schema for Sonar and a user with create, update, index, and delete like privileges. Tomcat 7 sudo apt-get install tomcat7 Java sudo apt-get install default-jdk Sonar Download and extract … Continue reading



Use log4j As Tomcat 7 Logger

Log4j is a common logging framework used within applications. The logging library can also replace the default logging in the following steps: Stop Tomcat server (if running) Download log4j library from their website Extract and copy the jar file to … Continue reading



Enable Remote Debugging From Tomcat 7 In Windows

Overview Tomcat Configuration Ensure Tomcat is not running before making any changes. Add the following in the first free line that’s not commented out to the file tomcat\bin\startup.bat: set JPDA_ADDRESS=8000 set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket For example from: rem $Id: startup.bat 895392 2010-01-03 … Continue reading



Install Sun JDK On Ubuntu 12.04

Overview Ubuntu had removed the latest version of Java from the repository and uses the OpenJDK instead. Whilst this is fine for personal use but for development purposes the development should be done against the runtime environment which is usually … Continue reading



Install Hudson On Ubuntu 12.04

Add Hudson to the sources list: sudo sh -c “echo ‘deb http://hudson-ci.org/debian binary/’ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hudson.list” Do an update to refresh the repository list: sudo apt-get update Install Hudson sudo apt-get install hudson By default the administration page is at http://localhost:8080. … Continue reading



Install Android ADB In Windows 7

Overview Android SDK has a powerful too called Android Debug Bridge (ADB) for debugging application development. The tool is a shell for accessing device internal storage which allows users to upload and download files, access embedded database, install .apk programs, … Continue reading