
fstab Options

A quick note on fstab mount options from How-To-Geek auto/noauto: Specify whether the partition should be automatically mounted on boot. You can block specific partitions from mounting at boot-up by using “noauto”. exec/noexec: Specifies whether the partition can execute binaries. … Continue reading



WordPress Twitter Tools Shows Blank Page On Connect

Overview I use the Twitter Tools plugin on WordPress to tweet my blog posts as well as showing my Tweets in my side bar. The recent change to oAuth and disabling basic authentication by Twitter has made the process slightly … Continue reading



Ubuntu LVM2 – Smart Storage

Overview There are plenty of exceptions where hardware and software abstractions are used to create modular and flexible designs in a modern OS. Examples can be seen from Microsoft’s .Net Framework to Virtualization. Logical Volume Management or LVM is no … Continue reading



Bash Sleep vs. Wait

Both commands sound like they do the same thing but they are used in very different ways Sleep Stops script execution for a specified amount of time in seconds e.g sleep 30 will stop the script for 30 seconds before … Continue reading



Asterisk / FreePBX full Log file

Asterisk logs everything to a file in /var/log/asterisk/full so I thought I’d truncate it… It was a big mistake. After doing so I had lost all the call logging information which can be found in the admin panel. Seems like … Continue reading



Removing Files Starting With —

I encountered an interesting problem today. I created a file called –verbose (obviously I passed the argument incorrectly) but trying to remove it more of an issue. Typing rm -f –verbose makes the command rm think it’s a parameter rather … Continue reading



Kick A Linux User Who’s Logged In

In command line type in who or w will list all the users who are currently logged in. To log them off type in the following: pkill -KILL -u danny where danny is the username. If ‘danny’ was logged in … Continue reading



Change Default Crontab Editor

To change the default crontab editor type in the following command: export EDITOR=nano Change nano for your preferred editor. Crontab editor