
Migrating From Ubuntu 14.04 To 16.04

Overview I have written migration plans for Ubuntu upgrades before. What makes it different this time is the hybrid Docker containers that I have used in places and the support for virtual IP (VIP) in Digital Ocean, my current hosting … Continue reading



Managing Servers On The Go With Android

Overview Since the ye ol’ days I have been self hosting one thing or another at first from a repurposed family computer to now using cloud infrastructure like Linode and Digital Ocean. I’m not a sys admin by day (and … Continue reading



Vagrant And DigitalOcean On Ubuntu

Overview Vagrant is a piece of software which allows (re)creation of virtual environments. By default it supports VirtualBox but other “providers” can also be used such as Amazon Web Services, VMware, etc. Vagrant creates virtual machines with specific resources and … Continue reading



IaaS Or VPS Part 4 – Maintenance And Scale

Overview It’s been over a full three months of running of AWS IaaS and with two consecutive months remaining largely the same deployment. (I’ll get to the third month later). Cost As you can see I’m on the free tier … Continue reading



Enable SFTP / SSH Password Authentication Amazon EC2

By default EC2 default Linux (Amazon, Ubuntu, etc) AMI do not have password authentication enabled and must use certificates. This improves security but also removes convenience of username/password authentication especially on a multi user system. To enable this feature again … Continue reading



“Amazon EC2 Instance scheduled for retirement”

Overview I got an Email from Amazon that one of my instances was scheduled for retirement. At first I thought it was SPAM but it was followed up by checking the AWS Console to confirm the Email. I was disappointed … Continue reading



IaaS Or VPS Part 3 – Up And Running

Overview Part 2 looked at the differences of AWS/IaaS to VPS. Part 3 will be looking at the cost after a period of time. Running Report The Amazon Web Services have been running for over 3 months with February running … Continue reading



IaaS Or VPS Part 2 – Setup And Install

Overview Part 1 described the reasoning and setup behind the comparison. In this post I will go through the implementation of AWS and the final comparison of IaaS Vs. VPS Setup EC2 Setting up an EC2 and RDS instance was … Continue reading