
Zigbee Firmware List

A useful list of Zigbee published firmwares are available from: OTA Image Types Firmware versions



“Real Time” Solar / Energy Dashboard

Summary Home Assistant introduced an energy dashboard in 2021.8. Whilst useful and offers a quick setup, it lags an hour behind due to the way it presents data. So I set out to create my own “real time” dashboard. I … Continue reading



Home Assistant With Version Control

Overview Home Assistant works half in system (e.g. UI integrations) and half in YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML). YAML files are usually stored as .yml or .yaml (Home Assistant works best with the latter). More and more features are available … Continue reading



Home Assistant Continuous Integration Workflow

Overview Development pipelines such as version control to deploying changes automatically. In Home Assistant’s case, you can make changes in YAML text files anywhere and Home Assistant can pick up the changes and automatically load them. Tools I use GitHub … Continue reading



Water Depth Sensor With ESP32

Overview We live in a house with a water tank in the loft which uses gravity to feed water to any of the water sources upstairs in the house like the hot water tank to bathroom taps. Now and again, … Continue reading



Time Tracking With NFC Tags On Android

Overview NFC tags are relatively cheap solution to start timers (or any other tasks in Tasker) where GPS has an accuracy up to 50 metres. An NFC tag is down to the centimetres. NFC is less of a power draw … Continue reading



Home Assistant Backup

Overview Backups are very important especially the amount of effort spent in automating everything. If the automations are done right, any loss would have a impact whether it’s inconvenience to dependencies making the time to recover even more important. I … Continue reading



Home Assistant: New Starter Tips

Overview These are the things I wish I knew at the start of Home Assistant to save time and re-doing various setup related changes. It purely focuses on configurable points within Home Assistant as opposed to choices of eco systems, … Continue reading