

I had a taste of Crytek’s new game which was oddly installed on my lucky PC at university. It was the single player demo but I do have to say WOW (not the game)! Like any educational institute I have … Continue reading



Eve TV Confirms Tiscali Problem

After discovering Eve TV is now free, I started to watch the archived shows and in episode 15 confirms that Tiscali is blocking traffic between 18:00 – 23:00 to eve servers. I hope Tiscali get what they deserve and hope … Continue reading



Half Life 2 Episode 2

Just finished the game and it was so much better than the first episode. The storyline was actually gripping and the end fight was a nice challenge. I played it in normal and it was fairly straight forward although ammo … Continue reading



No More Freedom In Germany

Bumping into a neat little tool called KisMac only to discover that Germany has passed some law that prevents German citizens from distributing security software because it is a nation security threat. Luckily I grabbed a copy before the site … Continue reading



Need For Speed: Street Pro

The next need for speed is coming! Can’t wait. It looks sweet. The teaser video can be found here: http://www.needforspeed.com/



Desktop Time Waster

I have found a little addictive game. It’s flash based and it’s a great little time waters. My top score at the time of writing is: http://www.handdrawngames.com/DesktopTD/ViewMap.asp?scoreid=745329 You can find the game here: http://www.handdrawngames.com/DesktopTD/



NeverWinter Nights 2

What a big disappointment! In my opinion the graphics were a lot smoother and better in the first game. The second looked like Playstation graphics. I will continue to play it but only when I go home on the good … Continue reading



The Sims 2: Pets

That’s right the fourth xpansion for sims 2. Don’t know how you will manage your pet, whether it has it’s own life bar or something but thats even more management stuff on top of your sims and your business. People … Continue reading