
Central Heating Graph With Home Assistant

Overview I have created a graph to show temperature for each room in the house broken down to level/floor they are on so I can see how well heated each room is. I don’t have any smart thermostatic radiator valves … Continue reading



“Real Time” Solar / Energy Dashboard

Summary Home Assistant introduced an energy dashboard in 2021.8. Whilst useful and offers a quick setup, it lags an hour behind due to the way it presents data. So I set out to create my own “real time” dashboard. I … Continue reading



[Update] EDC Core 2021

Overview A minor update to my Core Everyday Carry for 2021. The main change has been part of my 2 year mobile phone upgrade cycle. I will also review some of the other items where they are note worthy. The … Continue reading



Sleep and Time Tracking Data Flow

Overview This post should hopefully tie in what I do with my sleep tacking data and time tracking. It’s more complicated than it needs to be but automation and integration is still maturing with a large split between business focused … Continue reading



Daily Standup With My Family

Overview Taking the Agile manifesto and using in day to day work life is a common place at work (I hope). I thought I could try and apply them to my personal life too and started daily stand ups with … Continue reading



24h Streaming For MacMillian Cancer Support

Overview I participated in the Game Hero challenge by MacMillian who support patients as well as families affected by Cancer. In this write up I will be going through my equipment and setup and how it stood up to 24 … Continue reading



Everyday Carry – Extended 2019

Overview This is an update to the extended layer in my Everyday Carry (EDC). The concept and use of the extended layer remains the same i.e builds on top of the core layer designed to last up to a day … Continue reading



Time Tracking With Toggl

Overview First step of continuous improvement (or just improvement in general) is monitoring and what better way to do this than to track time. Time is relevant to everything and a good way to see where it goes. When someone … Continue reading