Mac World 2008 Keynote
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Mac at 16th January 2008 2:52 by
I wasn’t at Mac World but there were plenty of sites that has great coverage of it.
This year’s event wasn’t as exciting as last year with the announcement of the iPhone but the new toy in store is the MacBook Air. My thoughts on the new notebook:
- No user replacable battery (Trust me apple’s batteries aren’t the best. Just look at their battery comments on their apple store)
- No firewire port.
- Re-installing the OS could be a hassle if you need to carry an external drive. (I know you don’t do it all the time).
- No ethernet connection built in. I think you can buy an adapter as an accessory
- Ports are recessed (Not a big problem).
- Price point – only £100 seperates from the air and pro
- Screen still can’t hinge back up to 180 degrees
Not to sound too negative it is a very slick looking machine and does have it’s practicle uses like presentation and for the road warriors (albeit slightly stripped warrior). I like how the ports can be hidden and the mag safe looks a lot better. The long rumored multi-touch trackpad is also built into the MacBook Air. I’d love it if they upgraded the software to allow current Macs to do the same on the smaller trackpad. It is possible to do this in bootcamp.
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About Danny
I.T software professional always studying and applying the knowledge gained and one way of doing this is to blog.
Danny also has participates in a part time project called Energy@Home [] for monitoring energy usage on a premise.
Dedicated to I.T since studying pure Information Technology since the age of 16, Danny Tsang working in the field that he has aimed for since leaving school.
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