PHP File Upload Limit

I was playing with a gallery plugin for WordPress and it had a maximum file size upload limit of 2MB. I thought this was pretty low considering the size of pictures from digital cameras nowadays. I looked into the plugin’s php file which handles the upload and found it called a php method called upload_max_filesize.

A little googling later I found out the file size limit is set in the php.ini file. This file is located at:
A search in vi later I found the directive and changed it. A reboot of apache 2 later and the file size limit change was confirmed by the WordPress plugin.

About Danny

I.T software professional always studying and applying the knowledge gained and one way of doing this is to blog. Danny also has participates in a part time project called Energy@Home [] for monitoring energy usage on a premise. Dedicated to I.T since studying pure Information Technology since the age of 16, Danny Tsang working in the field that he has aimed for since leaving school. View all posts by Danny → This entry was posted in Website. Bookmark the permalink.

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