In this day and age, setting up a server is a non event with cloud computing. I am currently behind in setting things up manually and scripts rather than using a tool. I have dabbled in Vagrant and Chef. I’ll admit that was some time ago and I will look into it again.
In this post I will be attempting to migrate an existing webserver instance to a new instance from scratch from an Android tablet and see how long it takes. Disclaimer: I had tried this on cross country train journey in 50 minutes and failed so I have improved some parts already (more later).
The aim is to use a mobile device rather than a laptop so the following hardware are used:
Internet connectivity is needed as well. On my first run I tethered to my phone however for this run I will be using the home Wifi.
Software that are not standard:
All devices were fully charged to make sure they don’t run out of battery during this experiment. All apps were setup and logged in where needed.
I stopped the timer at 1 hour 9 minutes when I got stuck with database permissions. It was failing to connect to the database due to host checks and the database backup was failing to establish a SSH tunnel.
Create a document with snippets / commands that are part of an application setup. I’m thinking of a checklist style document.
A mouse would make text selection for copying and pasting commands so much easier!
A case / holder which supports portrait mode would be hand for the large amount of scrolling text.
It would be great if there were some changes to tools I used to help the process which I would love to see in order I see priority.
I believe I can get it under 1 hour if I take the lessons learnt. In reality, if I can use a configuration manager like revisiting Chef or alternative it would hopefully make a tablet deployment quicker and easier.