Well first off it took me an hour to get to Brighton thanks to the traffic jam. Then there was the matter of finding the place. Being not very good with navigation I circled around the university about three times before I got the right entrance. Ah then there was the confusion of which building is which. That was my fault because I didn’t look at the signs. When I eventually got to the right room in the right building, there was a queue to get the forms for enrolment. After that we had to go to another room for someone to check the details, get a photo for the form (which no one told me about) and surprise surprise I wasn’t on the register.
I was told to go to registry to see what they can do and the person next to me had the same problem. His name was Lewis. We both went to the next building and tried to find our way around to the registry. Well we found the school office for environment something something who was confused to why we was here. Then we found the correct place to find it was closed. Luckily some staff was still working so they helped us out. Apparently I was enrolled for HND Computing. They checked the records and showed I was offered a place on the BSc Business Software Development so they changed all the details and told me to get my library card from the HND people. By this time they had finished the enrolment and had left. I went to see an office on the sixth floor who helped me out and sorted my problem out in the end.
Ended up getting home about 16:45. It was a looooooooooong day.