dvd::rip Debugging (Warning: No libxvidcore API 4 found)

I had an issue with dvd::rip failing to transcode videos when using clusters but using the Transcode button worked fine. In the Cluster Control window everything was added fine but when the project started it failed at 0% on all chunks and audio parts.

To turn on cluster logging the cluster needs to be started with a log level. For example dvdrip-master 2 where 2 is the log level where:

It is best not to run the cluster in the background when using logging to see what is going wrong.

The error I was getting was Warning: No libxvidcore API 4 found To fix the issue install libxvidcore4: sudo apt-get install libxvidcore4 Shutdown the cluster and exit dvd::rip and start again. This time it should not report the warning.

DVD::RIP Problem

About Danny

I.T software professional always studying and applying the knowledge gained and one way of doing this is to blog. Danny also has participates in a part time project called Energy@Home [http://code.google.com/p/energyathome/] for monitoring energy usage on a premise. Dedicated to I.T since studying pure Information Technology since the age of 16, Danny Tsang working in the field that he has aimed for since leaving school. View all posts by Danny → This entry was posted in Linux, Software and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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