AutoBrite Snow Foam Mini Review


I purchased a Snow Foam lancer from AutoBrite for a Karcher 2.335. The snow foam comes with a head and a 500ml sample bottle of AutoBrite Magi Snow Foam.

Snow Foam Lancer

The lancer looks and feels very well built. It is made of a metal construction with plastic surrounds and know. It comes with a one litre bottle which includes a fairly long feeding tube which reaches the bottom of the bottle. The plastic knob controls the water to soap mixture and I found that turning it anti-clockwise increased the water content vs. clock-wise which made it more soap concentrated.

The red nozzle is also adjustable and changes the spray pattern from a single jet to a wide spray. I found this feature to be less useful and tend to keep it on a the single stream.


On first attempt I diluted the soap to what the instructions said. I poured about 2-3 cm of magi foam and poured water to the top. The knob was open at the time but not sure how far. In any case the mixture was too diluted and the soap ran off the car very quickly.

On second attempt I put about 1-2 cm of magi foam solution in the bottle and diluted it to 50:50 so another 1-2cm of water. With the knob turned all the way clockwise the solution was very thick and foamy and looks like the pictures and videos on the Internet. I was very happy with this mixture.

On the third attempt I used a concentrated amount of soap with no dilution. This resulted in turning the knob anti-clockwise slightly but had the same desired affect. It took about 3cm of magi foam to cover a medium sized car.


AutoBrite’s snow foam looks really good on the car and does break down light dirt on the car but it is in no way a replacement for a mitt or brush over. It makes apply soap a lot faster.

The lancer is a very good addition to the pressure washer and a lot better than the low pressure one that comes with some of the Karcher models. Whilst it’s designed for snow foam I am sure it can be used with other detergents as well.

Autobrite Direct

About Danny

I.T software professional always studying and applying the knowledge gained and one way of doing this is to blog. Danny also has participates in a part time project called Energy@Home [] for monitoring energy usage on a premise. Dedicated to I.T since studying pure Information Technology since the age of 16, Danny Tsang working in the field that he has aimed for since leaving school. View all posts by Danny → This entry was posted in Review and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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