
Yea I passed!! Some dodgy grades but still got through to next year. Here is the transcript:

ModuleCode Module Title ModuleLevel Mark Grade Result Attempt Credit
CI101 Programming 1 62 B P 1 20
01 Portfolio 44 D
02 Examination 79 A
CI102 Introduction to Database 1 42 D P 1 20
01 Coursework 42 D
CI103 Network/Internet Computing 1 60 B P 1 20
01 Coursework 68 B
02 Examination 51 C
CI105 Computing in Context 1 55 C P 1 20
01 Coursework 1 64 B
02 Coursework 2 50 C
CI106 Professional Practice 1 61 B P 1 20
01 Coursework 64 B
02 Group Project 57 C
CI142 Requirements Analysis 1 63 B P 1 10
01 Portfolio 62 B
02 Test 64 B
CI141 Human Computer Interface 1 55 C P 1 10
01 Design 47 D
02 Analysis 57 C

About Danny

I.T software professional always studying and applying the knowledge gained and one way of doing this is to blog. Danny also has participates in a part time project called Energy@Home [] for monitoring energy usage on a premise. Dedicated to I.T since studying pure Information Technology since the age of 16, Danny Tsang working in the field that he has aimed for since leaving school. View all posts by Danny → This entry was posted in Blog. Bookmark the permalink.

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